Tutorial 2: Discover the "Homepage"

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019

Congratulations! After registering successfully, you are now one of our FirstGrabber affiliates! Let's start learning more about how to use FirstGrabber and earn money.


Lets start from the central area.


Brief Report

The middle part is the brief report of your yesterday’s performance. You can choose the merchant as the image shows above, and see from the left to the right in turn:

1. Yesterday Sales: the total sales you have brought yesterday

2. Yesterday Commission: the total expected commission based on yesterday sales

3. Account Balance: the true amount of your account balance (withdrawable)

4. Bonus: the total amount the bonus released by FirstGrabber


Account Information

The area above the brief report is your account information where you can see

1. Your FirstGrabber account email, your affiliate ID(account ID), as well as your account level.

2. Your exact commission rate of each merchant.

3. “what’s this” will lead you to the help center and explain what is affiliate ID.


Sales Chart

The bottom area of the homepage is your sales chart, this line chart reveals the data of your performance, you can choose to see the daily data, monthly data and the annual data as you wish. What's more, the data of your commission and clicks are available as well. 


Rolling Banner

Top central area of the homepage is the rolling banner, which shows the available activities and campaigns.


Latest News

Besides, the right part of the homepage is the board for latest news of FirstGrabber. Don't forget to read it regularly, in case of missing any promotion activities.


Main Menu

The left side bar of the homepage is the main menu, which will be explained in details one by one in the upcoming blogs.


Top Bar

Quick Entery

With Quick Entry, you don't need to click several times to find some key functions which are:

1、"Custom Link" is the core function of getting your tracking links, including home page, product link, category link and any other links of a specific merchant website.

2、"Data Feed" will provide all the detailed information of the products.

3、"Best seller" gives you the top-selling products of each merchant to help you increase sales as well as earnings.

4、"New Arrivals" will shows you the latest products of each merchant.


Help Center

Click the "Help Center", you will find all answers of frequently asked questions of FirstGrabber to help you better understand our system. PPC terms and conditions is a must-read.



Currently we provide languages options of English and French.




This is the message center. On one hand, you can compose a message to FirstGrabber admin. On the other hand, all the messages sent by the admin will show up here.


Log out

Click the arrow on the right side and you will log out.

With this brief instruction of discovering the account homepage, we hope you can have a better understanding of FirstGrabber and start your affiliate business as soon as possible! Please stay tuned for more upcoming tutorials.

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019