Tutorial 5: Discover the "Products"

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019


Knowing how to promote is necessary, but knowing what to promote is also important for affiliates. The “Products” section will provide you with the best selling products, the new arrival products, the high commission products and any other information you need of the products.

Data Feed

If you want a huge number of products with pretty detailed product information, the “Data Feed” will help. Click “Products - Data Feed”, search the products with merchant, category and key word, click the “Export” to download. Or, you can add your favorite products by clicking the “+” and then export at the bottom.


Besides, all the products can be quickly shared to your facebook, twitter and pinterest. Tracking code will be automatically added and you dont need to worry about losing data.


Best Seller

If you have no idea what to promote, “Best Sellers” might be your first choice. Click “Best Sellers” and search products by merchant, category and name, then you will see our hottest selling items. Here you can also share, add to export your wanted products.


New Arrivals

“New Arrivals” shows the our latest products on shelves. You can also choose the products that you want to promote by searching merchant, category and product name. Social media sharing and data exporting are supported, too.


High Commission

Judging from the name you know that products in this section have relatively higher commission rate than others. Click “High Commission” to check out the result. Commission rate will be shown beneath the product image by moving your mouse to “?”. Social media sharing and data export are available as well.


All the products on this page will be updated everyday, wish this tutorial will help you with earning more commission.

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019