The Second Half January Incentive Campaign!

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019

2018 has passed and so has the peak season. The blue December is really a depression. But no worries, from January, we will start to run our incentive campaign in order to encourage our affiliates and help them grow sales. Come on and see details!

January Incentive.png

Campaign Period: Jan 15th to Jan 31st compared with Dec 15th to Dec 31st

Who Are Eligible to Participate?

All the current affiliates that are able to withdraw the commission by themselves because the bonus will be directly released to the account balance.

What Does Sales Mean?

Sales means your total sales instead of a certain merchant of FirstGrabber.

When Will the Bonus be Released?

We will carefully calculate the sales data and the bonus will be released on the third Wednesday of the next month. e.g. January bonus will be released on Feburary 20th. 

If you have anything unclear please contact us at

FirstGrabber Admin

Jan 7, 2019